
Regarding the use of KAT100 as an antenna analyzer:

As you can read the L and C from the KAT100, and the configuration
Cin/Cout, it should be easy to incorporate into the KAT100 software
code routinges to calculate the actual R and X of the load/antenna.
These could then be display via K2 ATU Menu.
That is if there is place in the KAT100 PIC for more software....
I guess the Freq is already read in to KAT from the K2, 
so all the parameters should be there.

This would of course not work if the KAT100 is connected via
transmission line to the antenna, unless you know the length and
impedance of the line and transform the results.


ps. I made a simple TCL routine to read from the KAT100 on my K2,
    using the serial interface

    Used SWxx; commands to simulate pushing the menu button etc, FA
               to read the frequency.

Here is the RAW output from FA and DS commands, and menu values:

FREQ: FA00003505580;                 3505.580kHz 
SWR: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>I;                     1.1-1
L: [EMAIL PROTECTED];                       L01.3uH
C: [EMAIL PROTECTED];                       C0.45pF
NET: [EMAIL PROTECTED];                     Cin

   Marteinn Sverrisson    TF3MA
          Langitangi 2    Internet: tf3ma [at] raunvis [dot] hi [dot] is
        270 Mosfellsbær   http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~tf3ma
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