The combination of the cabinet and speaker of my
K2 (#5665) has a VERY pronounced resonance at about 450 Hz. How fortunate, as this is the frequency at which I like to copy CW. (:-)

The resonance is so pronounced that it would present
a problem if I wanted to use a higher frequency, say
600 Hz. It initially caused me a bit of consternation as I was setting up the filters ... until I realized what was going on. Even with the filter set up for 600 Hz I would still find myself tuned and listening lower than the "Spot" tone ... sort of a human AFC circuit. (:-)

Has anyone else noted this? I wonder if all the speakers supplied with K2's are of the same design from the same supplier?

Mine -does- have all options installed except the battery
and I assume the resonant frequency of the box would be
different ... or non-existant ... with different "fillers" inside
the case.

I have two of the "old" Skytech variable-resonance speakers stored away that are fine examples of the application of housing / speaker resonance as a CW aid. They use a sliding tube to "tune" the assembly.

73!  Ken Kopp - K0PP

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