
Choices abound.

Any of the Heil mics designed for the Icom will work FB with the K2 - just wire the configuration header for Icom (including the resistor - use 5600 ohms because the K2 supplies only 5 volts as opposed to 8 volts on the Icoms).

Another good choice is the Ten-Tec electret mics (701 Handheld, 705 or 706 desk mics) - they are priced right and sound great, but you need to change the 4 pin mic plug for an 8 pin plug.

If you want a good mic and can make up your own footswitch or other means of PTT, then look at the computer microphones. They can sound very good on the receiving end and cost only a few dollars.

I am advocating the electret type mics because I know they work well with the K2. High output dynamic mics work well too if you happen to have one, but some have low output and are best used with a preamp. If I recall correctly, a mic output of -40 dBm is the preferred level while -50 to -60 dBm is the output range for many dynamic mics.


sergio t. ruiz wrote:
i figure while i have the front panel board unattached, i should probably start thinking about which mic to get, since i have never owned one.. and i need to get some parts for the rigblaster anyway.. so i should decide..

here's what i am looking for in a mic..

i am not dead set on fidelity.. so it doesn't have to be a super duper one..

i am just gonna use it to:

check into an occasional net..

check in with special events stations..

play around with an occasional contest..

that's it..

any suggestions would be appreciated..


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