I've been working on a adapter board and associated Windows software to capture the XY recorder module output of a Tektronix 1502 TDR and it's at the point where I will soon have a unit available for beta testing.

I thought I would first see if any Elecrafters with a Tek 1502 TDR are interested in testing the adapter and software before I post the offer further. If so, please contact me directly via Email.

For those who may not be familiar with the term "TDR" and how it works, TDR stands for "time domain reflectometer" and it can be thought of as a "cable radar" in that it shoots a very fast rise time pulse down a coaxial cable and then reads the reflected signal. You can see the impedance bumps caused by connectors, where the cable has been compressed by clamps or bends and other discontinuities, and read the distance to the discontinuity with quite remarkable accuracy. If you wake up one morning and the SWR on your antenna suddenly reads 10:1, a TDR can tell you whether the problem is at the antenna or if it is a problem with the cable or connectors, and if the problem is with the cable or connectors, it will locate the fault to within a foot or so.

Tektronix 1502s show up with reasonable regularity in the surplus market and are not terribly expensive. Many come with a mechanical recorder module that is often broken or unusable due to the cost of the specialty paper. However, a reasonable percentage have an XY output module that provide a buffered output that follows the trace data. My adapter module plugs into the XY adapter and connects to a PC via the USB port. The associated software gives a display similar to that seen on the 1502's screen, but with the ability to print, save, etc. as well as saving the data file for analysis by other programs. If there is sufficient demand, I may develop a second version that will plug into the 1502 mainframe directly, as a replacement for the mechanical recorder.

I have not yet added a web page to show the adapter or software, but will do so when the prototype PCBs are ready, which should be before the end of this week. I will also supply advance details to any interested party.

Jack K8ZOA
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