CF bulbs are very efficient, but not without compromises. Home Depot doesn't bother to tell you that they contain a decent amount of mercury. Somehow the manufacturers obtained an exemption from the usually strict rules. They're banned from many landfills, and in some communities require HazMat handling and disposal. (Don't let your kids or pets play with them.)

This would seem to be mitigated by their long lifetime. But my 2-year old, who knocks over lamps once in awhile, doesn't discriminate -- he's broken just as many $6 CF bulbs as normal bulbs.

Meanwhile, LED bulbs are on the ascent. They're incredibly expensive now, but this is bound to change. They may turn out to be the rugged, less toxic successor to ordinary bulbs for which mankind has searched for decades. They're also far more efficient than CF's, which is why this topic isn't OT -- they're QRP bulbs :)



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