Was wondering how extensively the K3 has been or will
be "put through the wringer" prior to its
introduction?  I understand that certain kinds of
glitches, if they appear, will be easily fixable
through software upgrades, but the K3 isn't (as I
understand it) a completely software defined radio. 
With the good-ole K2, its been easy to make mods to
the radio to address shortcomings or make
improvements.  The hardware of the K3 doesn't sound
like it will be as modifiable by users (because of all
the SMT it employs).

Just curious.  I've got a tremendous amount of
confidence in Elecraft; so I think I'm going to dive
right in and get a K3 right away.  (No way would I do
that if the K3, which represents a big investment for
most people, were being introduced by, say, Icom.)

- Paul, N6LQ

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