I bought a SABRENT SBT-USC1K USB-COM adapter from
www.newegg.com back in Mar 2005. Works great under XP
Home, and Pro. Installs as a Prolific adapter, which
seems to be one of the better ones. Total cost incl
S/H was a tad over $15 USD. No problems using it w/my
IC-703+, FT-817, or K2. I fully expect it to work
w/the K3. No problems either w/my Keyspan 4-port USB
<==> com port hub. Of course, Vista (Advisor) spit out
the Keyspan as something it (Vista Advisor) didn't
like...which is one of a number of reasons why I won't
be donating to the Bill Gates Retirement Fund any time

    72 de N8PVZ

Usual disclaimers as to no financial involvement w/any
mentioned comapy.

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