Tom Hammond N0SS wrote:

Put a voltmeter on the T-R line from the 811 and confirm that you will key a POSITIVE DC VOLTAGE (less than 200VDC) to ground. Then put an ammeter across the T-R line (which should KEY the 811 T-R relay) and measure the CURRENT required to key the 811 T-R RELAY. If it is < 3A then the T-R (RELAY) output of the KPA100 should handle it without complaint.
Hi Tom and all who responded to my query on this. Thanks to you all for spelling it out in simple terms for me, it is what I needed :-) Chriss, G3SJJ worked with me off list so I understood exactly what I need to do (thanks Chris) and it was precisely what you stated above Tom. For those who might need the info in future, the Linearamp UK 811 has 16v and 190mA at its PTT connection. So, the K2 should work with it perfectly. I will be attempting this today once I have done a little work with the filters to finally get my voice sounding right. This retirement thing is damned hard work but I am finding enough time to get a few things done that I have been promising myself for years :-)

Thanks again to you all.

73 Ian

Ian J Maude G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
Member of RSGB, ARRL, GQRP
K2 #4044

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