Argh....what a nit-picker's delight.

The reason why you get "You're S9 but please repeat everything" is
that you can be S9 and be covered by QRM/QRN.

Check out what the ARRL says about RST (page 2 of the document).
NOTHING about volts.  It's all subjective.

For me the purpose of an S meter is as a RELATIVE comparison tool.
This is ham radio, not a laboratory test bench.  Who care what the S
meter says?  If you can carry on the QSO or exchange, S1 is as good as
30 over.  If someone wants to check ant A vs ant B or station A vs
station B, then all they really want to know is "which/who is louder."

If they want real measurements, then the person on the receiving end
should use a calibrated step attenuator and use it to "match" signal
levels.  But no ham is likely to ask someone else for "an accurate
measure in uv or dbm" unless they already know that the "other guy"
has a REAL means of measuring AND has real reason to want to know.
For most of us hams (99.9%), "stronger" and "weaker" is good enough
for comparisons that we might want to do.

Sun is to Dayton.


de Doug KR2Q
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