
Yes, when everything is working properly, you will have 5 volts on pad F when on 80 meters. What is the voltage on pad E when you are on 80 meters? Make certain that you have pad E connected to the proper point (see KXB3080 manual figure 7). Pad E is the control, pad F is the output.


Steve Watkins wrote:
Things have been going down hill this last weekend.

Started with a bit higher current than manual stated on 80 meters (65 ma) to 
read about 105 ma.

Then  I noted that I could not get any power out either.

Rig was working fine with just the 20 and 40 meter module with currents and 
power out.

I rechecked the voltages on page 11 of the KXB 3080 manual, and note now that 
on 80 meters, I no longer get 5 vdc on Pad F?.  I am now suspecting some 
problems on the 3080 module.

I have checked numerous times for the obvious, especially those cautioned about 
in the errata.

Maybe I haven't troubleshot this correctly, but it seems I should be seeing 5 
vdc on Pad F through Q1 on 80 meters.

Kind of floundering now and could use some bright mind input.

Thanks, Steve
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