>3 different softwares are free.
K3 has a buffered output before roofing filter
just for something like this.

        Benny, just for the record, there are now
5 SDR programs available (see below), not just 3
as you mentioned above.  BTW, does anyone know
the bandwidth of the K3's buffered IF output?

                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

Flex Software
< <http://www.flex-radio.com/>http://www.flex-radio.com/ >

Rocky Software
< <http://www.dxatlas.com/rocky/>http://www.dxatlas.com/rocky/ >

KGKSDR Software
< <http://www.m0kgk.co.uk/sdr/index.php>http://www.m0kgk.co.uk/sdr/index.php >

SDRadio Software
< <http://digilander.libero.it/i2phd/sdradio/index.html>http://digilander.libero.it/i2phd/sdradio/index.html >

Winrad Software
< <http://digilander.libero.it/i2phd/winrad/index.html>http://digilander.libero.it/i2phd/winrad/index.html >

For more complete info on Softrock40 see here:


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