>1.  QSK.  This is user skill level dependent.  If you do 20 wpm or
less, the K2 QSK may be fine for you.  During contesting, I am going
at least 32-34 wpm, and not uncommonly at 40wpm.

        Hmmm...guess I should return the stack of plaques I've
won over the years since I have NEVER used QSK.  This includes
all 6 current USA records for CQ WW, ARRL DX and CQ WPX on
10m, both CW and SSB.  I also normally compare favorably with
the top USA multi-multi stations:


>2.  Stable power output.  I use multiple antennas PER BAND.
So whenever I change antennas, I have to hit TUNE.

        You need a peak-responding meter like a Mirage MP1.
No need to hit TUNE since it responds quite well to fast CW.

>3.  AGC.  Using the K2 S meter, signals here range from zero S units
on the meter (even though atmospheric noise is supposed to be S1) to
40 or even 60 over 9 (all LEDs lit up).  A 40 over 9 signal is VERY
LOUD in the phones while S1 is not.

        Orion's flat AGC response was a major dislike
by operators at W8JI in multiop 160 contests.  Yaesu and
Ten-Tec have both now added Sloped AGC options to their
flat responses.  See K8ZOA's interesting results below:

        As you said above..."different strokes".

                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

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