Hello Detrick,

I had a very similar problem with my K1 (also a Christmas present Dec. 2006). 
In my case it was the 20 Meter band. I opted for the four band set up. I found 
no Tx at all on 20m despite all the tests and adjustments. The culprit was the 
band crystal which was defective. 

An easy way to check this is to listen out for the oscillation of the crystal 
at the frequency marked on the crystal. Remove the cover from the K1. Use 
another rig with a piece of wire for an antenna drapped near the suspect K1 and 
switch in your pre-amp on the monitoring rig. DO NOT transmit using the K1 but 
simply select the band of choice. First try out the 80m band and listen for the 
crystal on 11.0500 MHz (or round about). Turn the K1 on and off to confirm you 
are hearing the crystal and not something else. Now listen for the 15m crystal 
by selecting the 15m band and listening for the crystal on 29.000 MHz  (I can 
hear my crystal on 28.995 MHz but my Icom might be a bit off frequency).

If you cannot hear the crystal (and it is very noticeable), then the crystal is 
probably suspect. A few things to check:
1) Solder has not bonded properly to one or both leads.
2) Solder has flowed along a lead and earthed it to the case.
3) Too much heat was applied to the crystal when soldering the case to ground 
and it is now dead.
4) The crystal was already defective.

I hope this is some help to you.


Steve M0ECS K1 # 2294
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