Reading about Riley Hollingworth's Dayton talk about "lightening up" our intra-amateur discussions in <The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 22 (June 1,2007)>, it occurred to me that a wonderful application of the K3 will be cross-mode diplomacy. Suppose, for example, an RTTY station moves onto an on-going CW traffic net operation. A K3 operator could quickly match the particular TTY mode of the interfering station and politely explain that a CW traffic net is already occupying the frequency. As more and more operators appear on the bands who are Morse-challenged, this could become especially useful.
73, Bruce N7RR

ô J. Bruce Prior, PhD ô
853 Alder Street
Blaine, WA 98230-8030
Amateur Radio Station N7RR

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