
I'm in Aloha, so you can sign me up when you get your group together. I have been thinking about what it would take to get a homebrewer group together in the Portland area, but I haven't run into any other builders from the area. It would be nice to have a place out in the woods to string up some wire. I live in a home where I can't put up an outside antenna, and I've been too chicken to try to deploy one in a local park yet.

As for the local groups, I can completely relate. I'm a newcomer to Washington County, but I didn't have very good luck in Salem. When I went to the local club's FD event a few years ago, the club was not very inviting. Nothing like wandering around like a lost puppy dog, looking for someone to acknowledge you! What's irritating is that they advertise that the event is open to all, but don't really follow up with trying to make visitors welcome.

Jason Milldrum, NT7S
Amateur Station NT7S - <>
QRPedia - <>

Kevin Rock wrote:
I have had some fine responses to my request for a Field Day venue. They ranged from operating locations across the United States to clues for how to start a club featuring my desires where no club existed before. A friend and I have discussed starting this club before. These responses only firm my desire to do so. How many folks would like to build their own radio and get on the air from a rural location? Or even a city park? I think we could feature the Elecraft rigs to folks who happen by and have some fun meeting one another; either on the air or face to face. The rigs don't all have to be from Elecraft but it would be nice to have only home built gear. Even that does not need to be fixed in stone. Simply getting folks outside to meet and work a few contacts while bringing their families and some food would be nice.
It seems to be rare these days where one can meet others of like mind and visit 
with them about our mutual interests.  Then we can even discuss our 
differences.  All we need is a single thread to start the activity and let it 
grow from there.  If you want to market your KX1, K1, K2, or soon your fancy K3 
bring it along and write a note to Lisa requesting some sales literature.  I've 
no problem with Elecraft zealots :)

We can have an Elecraft picnic and get to know one another better.  Life is too 
short to use bad rigs.  Build an Elecraft kit and step up to luxury.
      Kevin.  KD5ONS
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