We had a discussion on this at our club meeting last night (G4BRA) and one
of the trainers stated that there is no requirement to CE certify kits (he's
also the local RSGB EMC rep), so pre-empting a question, CE mark doesn't
come into it.
It was also stated that a kit can be built at Foundation level.

I just checked the latest UK license and section '7 Equipment'
Para 2, states:

7(2) [snip] Foundation Licence holders may also use Radio Equipment
constructed using commercially available kits which satisfy IR 2028.

Now I'm not sure what IR2028 states, but I bet Elecraft meet the

On 14/6/07 00:42, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Message: 42
> From: David Woolley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The current UK licensing regime requires that a project be built before
> one can get from the 10 watt limited Foundation Licence to the 50 watt
> limited Intermediate Licence.  It can't be a transmitter though, as one
> cannot use kit built equipment until you have gained the intermediate
> licence (it looks like Intermediate Licensee transmitter kits must meet
> some type approval rules, whereas full licence ones look like they are
> exempt).  Assuming that there is some flexibility in what is built, I
> would presume that there would be some market for a K2 with build
> instructions modified to complete all the receiver bands before starting
> on the transmitter, for when the licensee upgraded; it might need
> appropriate type approval, though, for that market.  It would far exceed
> the construction experience required for the licence!

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives the rose.
-Chinese proverb

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