That's how we knew the band was open!  Then  we'd disassemble the xtals and 
soak em in acid for a few minutes to tweak them  up 3 or 5 KC. I had a whole 
cigar box full ( I think I still have them)   Actually I used the ARC5 
I had a transmitter but the PS was more work  than I wanted at the time, so I 
built a 1 tube 6L6 rig. Got a lot of attention  from the key clicks for a few 
days - great way to meet local hams. One of them  sold me a Johnson Ranger 
75W cw/AM rig  the rest is history. I had one of  those wonderful 1year novice 
licenses. Had to take my general in Denver since I  went to College in CO a few 
months later.

73 de WA6VNN Al  

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