After several years of faithful service, my K2/100 (with KDSP2 and KSB2) has 
developed a perplexing malady.  The crystal filter passband will not adjust to 
center on a 600hz sidetone.  As you adjust the filters towards 600 hz using 
Spectrogram (say OP1), the filter shape degrades and then severely attenuates 
the signal until NO audio signal is visible on the Spectrogram display.  I have 
repeated the key realignment procedures three times, with  identical results.

The long story.  The K2/100 generated an Info 080 message that I started 
diagnosing.  The problem "self-corrected" which lead me to believe it was 
probably a loose connection to the KPA100.  Despite lots of opening and closing 
the case, the problem has not reappeared.

I now have better test equipment than I had when I built the K2 (serial 4357) 
and it seemed like a good time to realign the transceiver.  I did a complete 
realignment, with minimal changes except a slight kick to the 4Mhz oscillator 
and a reasonable amount of repeaking of the bandpass filters.  So far so good.  
All of the key tests/parameters were within range.

When I started to set the filters, however, I could not get them within range.  
As noted above, I can not shift the passband to cover a 600hz sidetone.  The 
filters appear to center around 900-1000 hz.  I have attempted to set the 
filters back to my prior CAL FIL BFO settings, but to no avail.

The following are the test results from this realignment.

PLL Reference Oscillator Range Test

High = 12101.55
Low  =  12088.14
Dif  = 13.44  (Acceptable 9.8 - 15)

VCO Voltage  all greater than 1.5 v, less than 7.5 v.

BFO Test

BFO High = 4917.42  (Acceptable >= 4916.3)
BFO Low  = 4912.34  (Acceptable <= 4912.7)
Range    =    5.08  (Acceptable >= 3.6)

Transmit frequency is +- 10 hz.  However, zero beating a 600hz sidetone against 
the 7.00 Mhz birdie **appears** to be around 7000.35 Khz.  (I never fully trust 
zero beating as I am tonally challenged...)

Any ideas??

Howard W. Ashcraft, Jr.
Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rudy
425 Market Street, 26th Fl.
San Francisco, CA 94105

ph:     415.995.5073
fax:    415.541.9366

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