I replaced the male ground "bolt." I installed a larger "bolt" from the inside out, held in place with a washer and nut, and then added a wing nut. This allows "treading" ground straps by feel when they are out of sight in the rear [my special circumstances]. Also, I ground an amp and tuner to the K2 as a common point ground for the subsequent ground strap that actually goes into the ground. The larger bold and wing nut make all this relatively easy whereas the stock approach is well neigh impossible to use in such a configuration. I did have to drill out the supplied hole and behind-the-panel bracket, but that wasn't a problem. There was some problem - twist and fudge - getting the longer bolt through from the back side, but patience and wiggling won out in the end. A much better arrangement, IMHO.


At 06/20/2007 15:18, Dan Barker wrote:
The ground hardware is part of the KAT2, but the silk-screening is on the
base top cover.

Your ground needs depend on your antenna installation. I need to go to the
hardware store anyhow. See you there!

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary D Krause
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 2:59 PM
To: Elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 and grounding

Before I run to the hardware store and buy a bolt, washers and a wingnut, I
thought I would ask this question.  I recently finished the K2.  I just
noticed that there is a hole in the heatsink for a ground.  Did I miss
something in the manual during the build or is it just assumed that one
would provide a ground for it?  I couldn't find anything in the manual that
mentions installing a ground connection on the back of the K2.

Gary, N7HTS

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