From Bill Tippett  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From the
FAQ of Inrad's paper on roofing filters by W2VJN:

"5. If 6 poles work so well, why not 8 poles?

Eight poles would provide much better
stop-band isolation, but it's not required in a roofing filter and would make no
noticeable improvement in IMD performance."


A moot point I would suggest Bill when the symmetry (or lack of) a Ladder filter's response is also considered. The more poles the better in a Ladder roofing filter to improve symmetry provided that the IMD generated within the filter does not become a limiting factor, a point that Jack K8ZOA has noted. To preach to the choir, filter IMD performance is usually measured early on in a receiver's design exercise prior to fixing the Gain Distribution.


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