When I took my general in 1961 at the LA Federal  Building, I had to
draw a schematic of a Colpitt's Osc.
They weren't specific  if it had to be solid state or Vacuum tube, so
I drew the solid state   version I thought I knew best.

WOW, solid-state in 1962? Now that's radical! I wonder if the FCC examiner even knew what it was, or whether it was right or wrong? The only solid-state question I can remember on my 1963 General exam was something about if the arrow is pointing toward the base, is it an NPN or a PNP? Something real technical like that...

Think I had to draw a Colpitts oscillator, too... Or was it a Hartley? It's all kinda hazy now... I do remember having to draw a pi-network output.

Bill / W5WVO

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