
Just like many of you, we at Elecraft are suffering email overload. We process literally hundreds of list and direct emails daily (plus I watch a wide range of other lists on the net.) I would like to ask everyone to please minimize and --focus-- their postings to just Elecraft and Ham Radio related topics for now.

Let's avoid -any- further postings on list management, politics, international misunderstandings, 'hating the word 'Ham', spam, spam filters, snide remarks etc. Also, please resist the urge to just vote yea or nay on any topic. If you have material comments to add to a discussion, please post. But if all you want to do is agree or disagree with a posting, please avoid posting. If you have specific list moderation problems that need immediate addressing, please email me directly instead of posting to the list. But if at all possible, please resist this urge unless absolutely necessary. ;-)

We have well over 2,000 list members in a wide range of countries reading and posting to the list. Please also remember that it is easy to misunderstand a poster's intent or mood. Different cultures write and express the same thoughts differently. Please resist the urge to reply immediately to a post you dislike. Wait overnight. In most cases you will realize it was not important that you reply or comment. :-)

This is a hobby for most of us and we should remember that in all postings. We're here to have fun! We share much more in common than what we disagree on. Always make your postings as you would to a good friend.

Lastly, when you hit 'reply all' to answer a posting, please delete the original poster's email address and only send it to the list address. Also delete ALL unnecessary copied text from the postings you are replying to. A couple of copied sentences will always suffice to retain context. I am receiving double emails repeatedly from people replying to my list postings (or copying me for some reason on a list posting). This is not necessary as I do read the list daily. I may not always reply, but I am paying attention.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ

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