Hi All,

Thanks for the pointer Don.

I looked last night and found (blush) that I was checking the voltage at the 
wrong pin.  I'm glad I took a step back and came at it fresh without pulling my 
hair out. Fortunately that is a trait I've learned from programming as a job.

So, when measuring the right pin, the max voltage I can get is 3.77v.  The 
voltage at the 8v regulator output is 7.79v and at the regulator input has been 
in the range of 12.9-13.3v depending on the battery's charge.  I may be within 
the range of error for my DMM, but I don't know.  

Is the voltage out of the regulator within the expected tolerance?
Is it a problem that I have maxed out the trimmer pot to get 3.7v or is that 

Thanks for your help.

73, Matthew

----- Original Message ----
From: Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Matthew Denson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 4:07:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Problem setting AGV Threshhold


You reading of the schematic is correct - the voltage at U2 pin 5 is the 
result of a voltage divider network - nothing less, nothing more.  If 
you have a problem here, one or more of the resistors involved is wrong, 
or the voltage from the 8 volt regulator is not correct.

The RF Gain control is one of those resistors, so be certain it is set 
to the full clockwise position.


Matthew Denson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am building my K2 and have reached the initial checkout steps before 
> building the receiver.
> On page 48 of my manual (Rev G if that matters) the instructions say to 
> "Adjust R1 for a reading of 3.80...."
> On my K2 the way it is right now the range of voltages I get by changing R1 
> is 2.1-3.28Vdc.  Hmmm?
> I looked at the schematic on the way to work today (I'm still there) and it 
> doesn't look like there are that many variables here.  It is a simple voltage 
> divider of the 8v regulated voltage to ground as far as I can see and it 
> seems like the max voltage should be 1/2 of 8V when R1 is completely shorted 
> out.  I haven't checked the 8V source cause I haven't been back home.  
> Maybe extra useless info - I don't know how the internal volt meter works but 
> it is reading out correctly (that is I get the same reading as my DMM where I 
> have made identical measurements) so I assume that the 5V regulator is 
> working right.
> Any thoughts on which points to check?  Is my reading of the schematic too 
> simplistic?

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