Hi All,

Building the K2 was a lot of fun, and now my basic K2 (#6210) is on the air.  
I've made contacts with OR and MI from my location here in CA.  Been able to 
answer CQs on the first try both times.  Really lovely.

I do have one thing that is nagging at me.  The audio level seems low.  When I 
first turn on the rig the level seems right.  I have to turn the AF Gain down 
to be comfortable.  But after a few minutes (8-10) the audio level drops all at 
once.  It is still usable but it can't be right.

I am going to build the crystal oscillator to do some signal tracing, but 
wanted to ask if there was a particular place I should look?  I have very 
little experience with this so use small words. hi hi!

73 de AE6UP Matthew

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