You guys crack me up.  On the one hand, some of us are trying to get
as narrow as possible (200hz) and on the other hand, some of us are
looking for high-fidelity, surround sound, theatre quality.

Gee whiz...this is ham radio (communications).  This is not your home
theatre (dolby 5.1 etc).

Speakers?  What's a speaker?  I haven't used a speaker since 1967 when
I learned how to plug in a set of headphones.  You'll have plenty of
"drive" (enough to blow your ears off, I'm sure) and you can get a "hi
fi" set of 'phones for not much $ (or spend as much as you like).
Good luck getting a rig to match the quality and range of the 'phones.

I use communciations headphones...great on CW, rather restricted on
SSB (but then again, I have mostly forgetten "the phone.").  If I want
to hear 20 to 20k, I'm not going to use ham radio as the driver.

Each to his own (a liberal paraphrasing of Don's comment).

I do hope and pray that the audio output is not tarnished with
hisssssss and noise (ala the Drake TR7 - great front end for its day,
worst audio amp ever made).

Must be the doldrums of least here in the Northern Hemisphere!  LOL

de Doug KR2Q
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