Price reduced. Now $55.


For sale: KFL1-2 + K1B30

K1 2-band filter board for 80 and 20 meters, plus 30m parts.

K1 #139 started out as a 30/20 transceiver, but became 40/30/20/15 when the KFL1-4 came out. I replaced 30m with 80m on the old board, but lack an 80m antenna so never used it.

The filter board and spare parts have been in a drawer for years and I've decided not to store them any longer. Give your K1 2 new bands. Several of these boards are on 160m (see archive).

New, unbuilt price from Elecraft = $65 + $7.50 + shipping =~$75

I'll sell postpaid to a US address for $65.

Scott N1AIA

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