On the other hand, you can keep on improving almost anything

I myself figure another month, that way, if it arrives before that
I will be real happy.

Lots of work for those Elecraft folks, the amplifier,
the panadaptor, the remote K3 antenna tuner, the K4, etc....

I think they been goofing off, sleeping and eating even!


> Much has been posted here about this topic. I've also seen (and 
> heard) considerable correspondence from some top operators who have 
> been testing pre-production K3s under some rather torturous contest 
> and QRN conditions. Although I'm not privy to internal communications 
> at Elecraft, I'd bet that this testing has caused some of the fine 
> points of the design to be tweaked. I'd also bet that like any other 
> manufacturer, Elecraft is experiencing delays on deliveries of 
> critical parts.  
> So, while we're anxious to see the finished product on our operating 
> bench, the second sort of delays are to be expected from any mfr who 
> is reasonably picky about what parts they buy and where they buy 
> them, and the first sort of delays will result in a better radio. So 
> cool your jets, and give Wayne and Eric the breathing space to do 
> their jobs. They have a long history of doing that very well.
> 73,
> Jim Brown K9YC

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