Tree wrote:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 02:27:20AM -0700, J F wrote:

Several of the beta testers have reported excellent
results with only the DSP version. The pair should be

I just got my hardware one a couple of days ago.  The real problem
with having the DSP one work so well, is that it will take a lot of time comparing the two to figure out which is better. Reminds me of the old saying - if you have two watches, you are never sure what time it is.

Both of the noise blankers have 21 different settings - so it will
take me awhile to figure out the best ones.  Maybe we need a new
mail reflector strictly for comparing NB settings.
73 Tree N6TR
K3 SN #0000013

I guess the real question on the HW NB would be ......
aside from the fact that it gets rid of a whole lot of noise,
is there the crud from adjacent signals introduced when the
HW NB is turned on ..... like on some "other" radios?

73    Hank    K8DD

If God intended you to be on single sideband,
he would have given you only one nostril.
- Steve, K2PTS (SK)

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