It seems that the delays for the shipping of the much awaited K3 continue. 

Would it be better for the folks at Elecraft to sit down, take a deep breath, 
re assess what they really can achieve,  and supply us all with a realistic 
date for first shipments ? 

Detialed explanations of which toroid value is missing, or which size screw is 
short aren't really helping anyone, least of all the elecraft staff who have to 
spend time writing up the weekly reports. There's a danger in announcing a one 
week delay to product release every week.... you might never get there......

I would rather be told that the first radios will not ship until say 6th 
January 2008, rather than be continually disappointed every few weeks by 
further stories of delays to parts required.  This would take the pressure off 
the team who could then get o nand sort hthe problems, and deliver a first 
class product to an accepted (albeit late) release date.  Their optimism bias 
over the product launch must be taking a toll on all their staff, all for what 

I am sure Elecraft are doing their best to deliver - but continually failing to 
meet their over optimistic delivery dates isn't doing their company's 
reputation in my opinion.

I will look forward to receiving my K3 iwhenever it arrives .....



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