I thought I'd put in my 2 cents on these current topics.

On the K2/100 vs. K3/10: if I could have only one, I think I'd go for the K3/10. Why? Because the K3 receiver hears so much better. Both the basic selectivity and anti-noise capabilities of the K3 are superior to the K2, even with DSP installed. You can always wait a while and get the 100-watt option later, or find and old high-power amplifier cheap which will give you a couple of hundred watts when driven by the QRP K3.

On selling stuff: I now have a TS850sat, a K2 and a (beta test version) K3. In order to finance the K3, I sold an Alpha 86 1.5 KW amplifier. The 850 is very useful because of its general coverage capabilities (the K3 has a BP filter option that provides this, but I don't have it), and I use it as a general-purpose frequency meter and signal generator, as well as a backup rig. It's worth more to me than it would be on the market, so I'm keeping it.

As far as the Alpha is concerned, life is too short to explain to all my neighbors how the RFI they are experiencing is the fault of the garbage consumer electronic devices they have proudly bought at Wallmart.

And I'm sentimentally attached to my K2, which I've converted back to QRP configuration and intend to use for field operations where its small size and low battery usage are important.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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