Ken said that using script is faster than printing.  Not for me!

I think it depends a lot on the size of your handwriting.  I find that
I can print tiny letters faster than I can write in script, which
tends to get larger (again, for me).  The most important factor (for
me) is that I can always read my printed notes later (days, weeks,
years later), while my script is nearly illegible even a few hours
later.  I have to work hard to figure it out.

While I almost never "hard copy" cw anymore (not for many decades), I
do take notes in seminars (and when I was in class for way too many
years).  Printing works for me!  If I had used script, I would have
flunked out during my first year of college.

Currently, this is also the advise that I offer to the MD's in the
hospital where I work (6,000 of 'em).  Hand-written MD notes done in
script are a dog to decipher.  It is exceedingly rare to find MD notes
(or any provider notes) that are easy to read when done in script.
Printed notes are nearly always a piece of cake to read.  MD's who
have moved from large, loopy script to "tiny" printing love it and are
real believers.  Now if we could only convince them to type!

Give it a try - you might be surprised!

de Doug KR2Q
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