After following up on a hunch, I came to the conclusion that the only thing
it could be was R30 (3.3 ohm from Q6 emitter to ground). This would prevent
Q6 from conducting.

I went to the QRP parts box and found some 2.2 Ohm resistors that I keep to
bias the output transistor on my RockMites. Close enough for government
work! I pulled R30 and tested it with 2 ohmmeters and it showed an open on
both of them. I tack soldered the 2.2 in its place, went into the K1 menu,
set the output to 3.0W, and put it in tune mode.  VOILA! 3.0W showed on the

I kept looking at Q6 and all the components over the past few weeks but kept
ignoring R30 because when has a resistor ever been open in a QRP rig? The
only thing I can tell is that it was open when it came out of the box.

Sorry to get eveybody all set to tell me all the things I need to check. It
works! Now I can install the KAT1, KNB, KBT1, and align the 4-band filter

Unless somebody says something different ... I will keep the 2.2 ohm in
place instead of running out to the local electronics store and getting a
3.3 ohm.

73 to all,
N.T. "Len" Carlson, K4IWL
Plano, TX

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