Perhaps what you are seeing is not so unusual: I've read that the IC706 had a similar spike and I think it is one of the Alpha amps that shuts down thinking it is an overload.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Steef PA2A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2007 3:49 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Re: K2/100 and ACOM-1000


I have the same problem with the K2 and an ACOM-1000. Somehow the K2' 'remembers' the last power level applied during transmission.

Try this: make a 70 Watts with CW, then switch to USB and if you touch the CW-key again making PTT for SSB, the first power output is the 70 Watts without any audio input. While in SSB mode each time the Acom sees some spike at the beginning. The conventional relays on my Ameritron AL80B are too slow to see this short spike, but the Acom switches fast enough.

Steef PA2A


I just got an ACOM-1000 that i am using with my K2.
When I am drivng it with 13...14W for approximately 300W output, I noticed
that I got a power output reading in excess of 1kW during the start of my
SSB transmission, just for a second or less. CW seems to be ok.
Does anyone else noticed this? What can be done about it?
I heard that some FT1000 had a transient, putting 200W into the amplifier at
the start of the transmission, and the PA did not survive this.
I do not want this to happen with my PA.

Stefaan ON4FG / OP4T / TZ4T
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