Hallo David,
AFAIK, you as the importer of electronic devices are responsible for
conformity with EU regulations, whether they make sense or not. It is
easy to imagine an official, with nothing better to do, causing serious
problems for the importer of said equipment.
A lot of what is in the CE marking requirements, imvho, make good sense,
but there is no real mechanism to enforce them, especially because the
CE Marking uses a self certification system. It is far too easy for
producers and/or European importers/distributors to fudge on their
certification and conformity. Which, as you correctly noted, often makes
the CE Marking almost worthless.
Sorry, this came out confrontational - its not meant to be. But frankly - I
just want my K3 and I don't care about 'useless' certification.
I also want my K3 (kit) but would hate to see Elecraft and/or Elecraft's
customers run into any problems, just because a CE Marking was missing.
vy 73 de toby
PS: I am not a lawyer, so any and all of the above could be wildly false.
PPS: I did not take your mail as confrontational. No worries here.
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