On Nov 15, 2007 11:45 AM, Ian White GM3SEK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As soon as the documentation does comes into existence, the owners of
> unmarked K3s will become legally entitled to attach a CE sticker
> themselves. They don't need any documentation to do this; it is
> sufficient to know that valid documents exist. They'll be in the bottom
> of a locked filing cabinet, in a cellar on a planet called Aptos.

Couldn't we just self-certify it?

On Nov 15, 2007 12:02 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If the above makes sense or not: This is one reason why it is important that 
> at
> least the factory built K3s have a CE Marking.

OK, Toby, I think we'll never agree on the importance of abiding by
laws that are not enforced. Here, the police can't even be bothered to
do anything about drunken and rowdy behaviour or crazy driving by
young people in the town centre at weekends. The thought of them
bothering to check if a radio has a CE sticker is simply unimaginable.

Julian, G4ILO K2 s/n: 392  K3 s/n: ???
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