No problem Gary and I'm glad we agree on that :-)

Sorry if I didn't make that clear. To try to clarify this.. the basic
premise is that anything you attach to you or your kit, while you are
building, is bonded to the same point (that's important) and via a 1M ohm
resistor lead.

I also use dissipative tools, like screwdrivers, cutters etc etc, but that
is not really necessary, as long as your body is grounded via a strap.

I repeat, this ground MUST be via a 1M ohm resistor (or higher, but better
to keep all resistances the same).

On 23/11/07 19:58, "Gary Hvizdak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> Dave just wrote ...
> ... as long as this wire that earths the chassis is an ESD lead (1M ohm
> resistor etc) - what is the problem with that?
> --
> Hi Dave,
>     I didn't realize what you meant by "ESD lead" and assumed you were tying
> the chassis directly to ground, rather than via a 1 Meg resistor.  In that
> case your ESD wire sounds like a very good idea, something I'll probably do
> when building my K3 to avoid charges building up while it's resting on non-
> conductive feet or painted surfaces.  (Very clever, why didn't I think of
> that.)
>     Hopefully no one will make the mistake of directly grounding their K3's
> chassis during assembly.
> 73,
> Gary  KI4GGX

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