Hi Bruce,

I was fortunate enough to be one of the KX-1 Beta testers. So I am well 
aware of the DDS clock limitations, and of the  two LPF's in the KX-1 with 
"knee's". just allowing 20M operation.

But my "nudge, nuidge, wink, wink" was directed - with my tongue firmly in 
my cheek- at the possibility (no matter how remote) of Elecraft, after the K3 
hiatus has settled down, considering a companion to the KX-1.
Perhaps a KX-2(?) with a similar form factor, power and options, covering 
20,17, 15 and 10 meters or better still 17,15,10 and 6 Meters..
8 bands with two rigs... one in each pocket, with most of our home-brew 
accessories capable of being used with both...

WIth the upswing in the Sunspot cycle the next decase will be fantastic for 
QRP operation..

Anyway.... I can dream, can't I???

On 25 Nov 2007 at 23:59, Bruce Beford wrote:

>>  The DDS is driven by a 50 MHz clock. This sets the maximum clean
>> output frequency at about 16.6 MHz. (Clk/3). There is also a 14 MHz
>> low-pass filter on the output of the DDS. 

Dave G, KK7SS
'65 MKIII Sprite, Richland, WA

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