
A couple of years ago, while working a contest, I realized my K2 seemed a
little deaf. I run the radio using its internal batteries. I was calling CQ
and got no response. To save batteries on the K2, I turned it off and turned
on my Grundig Satellite 800 shortwave located near by. Using the Grundig, I
was surprised to hear a station calling me. Switch back to the K2 I found I
couldn't hear the station I heard on the Grundig. The Grundig was using only a
built-in whip antenna and the K2 was connected to a Superantennas MP-1 antenna located just a few feet away.

I acquired this radio from the original builder 6 months after it was assembled. I may not have built this unit but I have spent a lot of time going through its guts and applying mods. I have applied all but the last two of the la3za listed mods to bring my K2 #2172 in line with the 3000+ K2's. The mods include the A/B kit update, and the PLL stability mod.

I have downloaded updated versions of some of the pages I had printed out previously. Namely, the LA3ZA page with mod info for the K2, the Spectogram alignment procedure. I also downloaded the latest copy of the Rev. G manual (to compare against my Rev. C), and the one for the KSB2. I have temporarily removed the KSB2 from my unit until I feel the base unit is working as expected. I also have a printout of Gary's message fom 2000 titled "K2: 25 reasons for low RX sensitivity or low audio".

My sudden push to try and identify, and hopefully fix, problems with my K2 is due to my having temporary use of a 20MHz handheld oscilloscope. The scope is on loan from a client while I'm working on a project. I won't be able to hang on to the scope much longer. I've been going back over messages I kept when I was originally on this list back in 2002, plus some more recent messages.

I find I am usually running the K2 with the pre-amp on. When listening to a station on the K2 I have the volume control set to around the 9 or 10 o'clock position so I don't feel there is a problem with the audio amp.

My 8V regulator measures 8.45V on its output. I replaced R1 on the control board with a 5k8 resistor in series with a 20k multi-turn trim-pot. I have tried AGC voltages from about 3.6 up to 4.1 and still have a noticeable difference in noise level when turning the AGC on and off. I curently have the AGC voltage set to 4.1V.

A message I had kept from 2002 said to check for between 2.2 and 2.4V on TP1 on 160. I went to 80m (my lowest band) and measured about 2.2V. I removed T5 from the board as I didn't like the spacing of the turns around it. I discovered two turns of the secondary were side by side. I removed the secondary, adjusted the spacing of the primary to be more even, and rewound the secondary (positioning it so its first turn was between turns 6 and 7 of the primary instead of between 7 and 8). After re-installing T5, I had 2.5V at TP1.

After having altered T5 I went back and check the VCO control voltage at the left-side of R30 and read only 5.26V (at 4MHz). I adjusted L30 until I read 6V and verified all the other VCO control voltages are within range. The lowest reading is 1.99V and highest is 6V.

The last time I adjusted the bandpass filters I used the updated information that says to use a max. transmit power of 1W. I haven't re-checked these filters but they should be ok. The simple N0SS signal tracing method on 40m didn't show much of a problem when I used myself as an antenna while holding on to one lead of a 22 nF cap.

My main issues at the moment are:
1. What voltage should I be getting at TP1 when tuned to 80m?
2. What other things should I be checking in the AGC circuit that could account for hearing a change in signal between AGC on/off regardless of how I set the trim-pot adjustment? 3. Are there some key RF voltage readings I should take to verify all is well while I still have access to a scope?


Kevin.           |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172      |"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:
                                |  Try to assimilate the world!"
#include <disclaimer/favourite> |              -Pinkutus & the Borg

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