Last night at 11.50 my youngest daughter left for England and the family was sad, but ...... 29 minutes later my new baby arrived in Perth !! so all was joyous. It was ordered in the early hours of 29th April and was delivered approx 8 months and 23 days later, a perfect gestation period. I picked it up this morniong and can report father and bub doing well getting to know each other ! Serial number is 133 and its a fully assembled, 100watt , complete with ATU bouncing bundle of health.
Just need to get the settings right on the mic and will be on air tonight.
It was supposed to be a birthday present in July but turned out to be a great Xmas pressie instead. Thanks to Lisa for her patience with my persistant enquiries and to the Elecraft team for such a fine radio... and isnt the receiver quiet !!
73 from Perth Western Australia and a very happy Xmas to all.
Keith VK6XH

Keith VK6XH
Secretary Northern Corridor Radio Group Inc
Chairman WIA VK6 Advisory Committee.

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