Bose has the Bose Aviation-X - $995.00

I always use my Bose noise cancelling cans for CW operating but I am not sure I want to shell out $995.00 to get the microphone too!

Jay - KT5E

Toby Deinhardt wrote:

> 25 db supression earphones that put your head in a vise are bad enough
> for a 5 hour flight.  I would not relish that for a 48 hour contest.

Just try and work multi-2 SSB using Heil with the other OP less than 6 feet away "shouting", "NEGATIVE my call is delta delta five foxtrot zulu denmark denmark one two three four five florida zanzibar ..." I find it almost impossible. Most of the serious contesters here in southern and eastern Bavaria use passive suppression pilot headsets, so I'm not the only one who prefers them. I can see that the pressure on the ears might be a reason not to want to use this kind of headset. They are a fairly tight fit, but I still prefer them to every Heil Headset I have come across, because of the 25dB suppression. I would not call them a vise though.

vy 73 de toby

PS: Panzerkopfhörer (e.g. for camera operators at rock concerts) are much less comfortable but have even more passive suppression of the surroundings. They are also very heavy.
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