Dear Geoff,

I did check the power with an external wattmeter, on all bands I'm
measuring 100watts on a dummyload.

73 Koert PA1KW

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy wrote:
> Hi Koert,
> 1) Do you have an external RF power meter?
> 2) If you do, does your K2/100 produce 100 watts minimum, CW mode, on
> all bands 160m - 10m when connected to a dummy load and the RF power
> output measured by an external meter?
> 3) All RF power measurements should use an external meter only.
> 4) If the K2/100 does not produce 100 watts CW on all bands, on which
> bands is the maximum output LESS than 100 watts CW?
> 5) How much DC current is being drawn by the PA (or the K2/100) on
> each band if you adjust the power output to 100 watts CW?  If you
> cannot get 100 watts on some bands, what is the maximum power output
> produced on each 'low output band' and how much DC current is drawn in
> each low output case.
> These tests should provide some indication of what is causing your
> problem without having to heat up your iron.  If you wish we can
> continue off List.
> 73,
> Geoff
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Koert Wilmink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:03 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] KPA100 SWR bridge adjustment 160m & 80m
>> Dear all,
>> Please find my emails to Elecraft support below. Is there maybe
>> somebody with additional tips?
>> Thanks!!
>> 73 Koert PA1KW
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