
I've run MMTTY with direct keying of my K3 using a single transistor interface as per the MMTTY help file, it works well with the K3 running "FSK D" mode.

More recently I've been using Ham Radio Deluxe with Digital Master 780 and had my first PSK31 QSO a few days ago and my first MFSK-16 QSO this evening... I'm using nothing more complicated than a couple of 3.5mm jack plug to jack plug leads between my PC sound card and my K3, with mode "Data A" selected on the K3. Keying is by VOX. For those yet to try data, I cannot recommend HRD/DM780 highly enough, it "works out of the box", while there are far more PSK31 stations than other data modes, the MFSK-16 QSO was completely error free and quite a pleasant surprise compared to PSK31 which is "OK" but certainly nowhere near as few errors as the more advanced modes. DM780 has a good logging feature which can export via ADIF and Cabrillo.

I note the fans cool the K3 PA pretty quickly, in a typical high power transmission of perhaps a minute or two, it heats to 50 degrees C from an ambient of 22 or so. Within less than a minute the temperature has cooled to around 30 C and the fans stop. It's very useful being able to see the PA temperature displayed on the K3.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

I'm new to the digital age and with the new K3 I would like to participate
in the upcoming RTTY contest. I know that I can use the K3 with the keyer,
which by the way does work, but I was thinking maybe I would like to try my
computer. I have a Gateway laptop and was wondering what the group would
recommend to use the laptop with the K3 for the RTTY contest. Many thanks
in advance and 73 and Happy New Year. Steve W0SZ.
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