
The scan function on my K2 is not at all useful , it will not stop scanning and hold unless a signal is very strong, about S 7 to S 8, and if it does hold the 'hold time' is only a few seconds. One reason for missing weaker signals that I can think of is that the scan rate in my K2 is much too high, so even with a 2.1kHz IF filter weaker signals are missed. I searched the manual some time ago to see if the scan rate can be lowered, but no luck


Arthur Gunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thursday, January 03, 2008 2:37 AM

Scanning still provides disappointing results.

Instead of staying on a signal for about 25 seconds, my K2 stays on a
signal for a random 3 to 18 seconds (usually less than 5 seconds). These
CW stations heard by scanning are often very strong and over 15 wpm with
no breaks in transmission expected. The random nature of the pause time
with good signals is also a surprise.

I setup the scanning with DSP on and off with no difference in results.
The scan rate was also varied with no differences observed. Squelch
level was also varied with no differences observed.

Does the procedure you have followed give the 25 second result described
in the manual (F or G version)? Any ideas of why the K2 #6155 with 2.04P
firmware might act this way? Wayne wrote a reference email long ago on
the topic that would be nice to replicate.

Any good or similar experiences?

Any ideas of something else to adjust?

Arthur Gunn VE9BP

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