I'm getting HiCurr messages when I transmit on 40m, the bargraph shows multiple bars lit, and I can hear a very faint squealing sound coming from the K2 when I transmit. I've built the RF probe and I'm going through the signal tracing steps in the manual.

On the PLL Reference Oscillator steps (appendix E, page 10) I am measuring U4 pin 1 at 0.252 V. The signal tracing instructions say that it should be 0.8-1.8 vrms. I then started looking at Q19 and am measuring G=1.0, S=-1.0, D=8.0 with my DMM. According to the DC voltage tables, I should be seeing G=0, S=0.8, D=8.0.

Any advice on where I should look next?


K2 4907
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