Wonder if anyone is using a K3 to work the WSJT meteor-scatter and/or EME 
digital modes on 6M. I'm just now starting to explore these modes with my 
current crummy rig (TS-2000), and it's really cool to be able to work this band 
with no ionospheric propagation. Additionally, MS will usually support 
shorter-distance propagation than an Es path, so it's a good way to fill in 
those close-in grid squares in the Es skip zone!

This is extreme weak-signal work -- oftentimes at or below the noise floor, and 
rarely more than 6 dB above it -- and one of the comments I'm hearing from a 
number of local guys is that "only one local station at a time can QSO (in the 
frequency sub-band of 50.240 to 50.310 MHz) because the QRM from 
adjacent-channel local signals will make it impossible for you to receive." Of 
course, all the local stations could synchronize TX and RX periods to solve 
this problem, but this isn't always practical or desirable. Seems to me that a 
K3 with the 2.8 kHz roofing filter, though, should be just fine with 5 kHz 
spacing from a strong local signal, or maybe even 3 kHz. 

Wondering if there is any actual experience with this yet.

Bill W5WVO
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