An admirable lifestyle if I may say so!

73 Stephen G4SJP

On 10/1/08 21:26, "Don Wilhelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My wife says I sleep too late!! She is an early riser.
> Actually I awake in the vicinity of 8AM most days, but am not fully
> functional until about 10 - I don't believe the human body was intended
> to be shocked awake - I put away the alarm clock after I retired.
> Bedtime is shortly after the 11PM news - no naps!  I have to wake the
> XYL at bedtime because her favorite TV shows put her to sleep on the
> couch after about 8 PM.
> So now you know!  Maybe when I get 'old' I will consider naps too.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR

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