Firstly, it's David, at least it was when I replied :)

I go down to 3w for two reasons:
1) so I'm not tuning up over a SSB signal with 120W of carrier
2) so I don't strain the K3 components that back off with high SWR

3w appears to be min the SC-237 will tune on reliably. I can get it to tune
on 2w sometimes, but that depends upon band.

On 16/1/08 14:33, "G3SJJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> Maxim, I'm not sure why you need to go down to 3w. The K3 will sit at
> 120w for a long time. I don't need to use an ATU here as all my antennas
> are fed with coax and remotely swiched, but I do have a manual tune amp.
> I have a small printed card fixed with blue tack to the front panel
> showing setting per band/mode. A bit like the old ad for Alpha amps,
> Tuning By Numbers. 20m CW is 44 /36, so swopping bands is simple. Flick
> the band change switch, quickly turn the two dials to those settings,
> apply RF and do final fine tune. All done within a few seconds. The only
> thing I have to watch is knock the power knob back on the MP to roughly
> the area I know that gives me a reasonable ampount of power out of the
> amp, say 30-50 watts. I would have thought this technique would have
> been OK with the K3.
> Chris G3SJJ
>> Well, when you wish to go from 100w, down to 3w, in order to tune an
>> external tuner (in my case an SGC auto-tuner), it can get tedious.
>> On 16/1/08 13:48, "Joe-aa4nn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:
>>> Benny, it's just the turn of a pot!
>>> How difficult or inconvenient could that be.  hi
>>> de Joe, aa4nn
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Benny Aumala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Maybe my interest to QRP is partially because K2.
>>>> I want to use my K3/100 still quite a lot in QRP and QRPP.
>>>> The degree of adjust is really fine down to 0.1W.
>>>> Also, 100W PA switch-off below 10W is very clever.
>>>> But to crank between 100 and 5W is not very handy.
>>>> I would like to see PF1 to change powers between two adjustable levels.
>>>> Benny    oh9nb
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