I have heard second hand that the evaluation has been
done already and there has been some talks about it at
ham fests.  This information may not be accurate as I
didn't hear the talk myself and the source could be
confusing an evaluation of the K2.  If so, the source
was raving about how wonderful the K3 will be and has
congratulated me on ordering one.  I am far more
interested in the K5EWJ evaluation than the ARRL
evaluation even is the K5EWJ evaluation is less
scientific.  I just hope that the Order Date/Delivery
Date is not a linear function!  If it is, I have at
least 6 months to wait.

Meanwhile, read this if you have not already:


This write up by G4AON is super good.  It may not have
as much test information as the ARRL reviews, but I
think it is super good and after reading it, I placed
my order on Dec 27.

Cookie, K5EWJ
--- Bill W5WVO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > How about a pool?
> > My guess is the K3 review will appear in QST for
> December, 2008.
> I'm betting they already have one or will have it
> shortly. I'm going to go way 
> out on a limb here. Put me down for July 2008 issue.
>  :-)
> Reasoning: There was way too much buzz after the K3
> intro from the contesting 
> and DXpeditioning crowd for ARRL to wait months on
> end to get one. This is not 
> just another radio, and I'm sure the guys at ARRL
> figured that out at a very 
> early date.
> Bill W5WVO 
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