GM4ESD shared with us:

Sorry for using bandwidth. I thought that the following message received
from the ARRL was worth posting in case somebody who might be interested has
not seen it. I should have posted it yesterday.


* Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants: The HF
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the Long
Wavelength Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional lunar
echo experiment for January 19-20. Interested radio amateurs are invited
to participate in this experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and
submitting reports. On January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600
UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0600-0700 UTC. On January 20, listen on
6.7925 MHz from 0630-0730 UTC, and on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830 UTC
(depending on frequency occupancy at the time of operation, it may be
necessary to adjust the frequency slightly).

Hopefully for those who have a go, the Hainan woodpecker
won't rear its ugly head.

Which reminds me, I do not recall seeing any useful
feedback here as to how well the K3's noise blanker
deals with all the OTHRs on the ham bands nowadays.
The British & Chinese woodpeckers can be heard
just about every day on 80-10m, so somebody must
have had an opportunity by now...

73, VR2BrettGraham.

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