AD6XY - Mike wrote:
Do we know if there are any plans to allow several outputs without an ATU?

It is not really worth getting the auto ATU for the K3 if you intend to use
an external amplifier or even a well matched antenna like a tuned loop or a
6m beam, but currently it seems to be the only way to get more than one
antenna connection. Indeed, even with the ATU fitted, two antenna
connections is not really enough in many cases and some form of
auto-switching interface, like the KRC2 but with the relays integrated would
be a very useful addition.

Maybe I should design one?
I love having the autotuner in my K3. First it makes it really flexible for the field, and also for my non-resonant home antennas; but I find it helps match the ( not so great) tuned input in my L4B amp and fantastic for feeding my old Dentron Amp which has no tuned input. Also the flexibility of having 2 instantly switched antenna outputs ( tuned w/ memory ) is great. Best money I ever spent
Dale K5AJZ
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